10 Unwritten Fashion Rules of Wearing a Leather Jacket

10 Unwritten Fashion Rules of Wearing a Leather Jacket

With origins dating back more than a century, leather jackets are one of the oldest, most time-tested forms of outerwear on the planet. Whether you are a man, women, young or old, you can’t go wrong with a genuine leather jacket. The soft, supple texture of leather offers an unparalleled level of comfort. Furthermore, the aesthetic value of leather jackets is simply unmatched. But if you’re going to invest in a leather jacket, there are a few rules you should follow when wearing it.

Wear a Different Colored Shirt

When choosing a shirt or top to wear with your leather jacket, make sure it’s a different color. In other words, you don’t want your leather jacket and shirt to feature the same color. If your leather jacket is black and your shirt is black, the two garments will blend together — and not in a good way. To prevent this from happening, make sure your shirt is a different color than your jacket.

Consider an Alternative Length

Not all leather jackets are designed to stop around the midsection. While this is the most popular length in which they are made, some leather jackets are shorter, whereas others are longer. A short leather jacket, known as a cropped leather jacket, is a popular choice among fashion-forward women. There are also leather long coats, which as the name suggests are longer than standard-length and cropped leather jackets.

Go Genuine

Be sure to choose a genuine leather jacket. Some companies tout their jackets as being “leather” when they are actually made of traditional materials. Faux leather is an alternative material that’s often used to make these jackets. Although it looks like real leather from afar, it lacks the qualities and characteristics that make genuine leather such a prized material. Faux leather jackets are rough with an artificial, chemical-like odor. Therefore, it’s best to avoid wearing a faux leather jacket and, instead, choose a genuine leather jacket. You’ll have to pay more for a genuine leather jacket, but like any smart investment, it will pay off in the long run.

Don’t Limit Yourself to Casual Attire

Some people assume that leather jackets can only be worn as casual attire, but this isn’t necessarily true. Granted, a leather jacket is an excellent choice of outerwear for a casual outfit, though you can still wear it with formal attire as well. Businessmen often wear a leather jacket with a two- or three-piece suit. It’s a subtle way to enhance their suit by instilling new color and style into their outfit. Businesswomen can also achieve a formal look by wearing a leather jacket. The bottom line is that you should feel free to wear a leather jacket for either formal or casual attire, depending on the occasion. It’s one of the few (or only) jackets that offer this level of versatility.

Wear a Skirt in the Summer

Who says you can’t wear a leather jacket in the summer? While leather jackets are most commonly worn during the fall and winter months, there’s nothing wrong with wearing them during other times of the year. In the summer, for example, women can pair their leather jacket with a skirt to create a fun, comfortable and stylish outfit.

10 Unwritten Fashion Rules of Wearing a Leather Jacket

Accessorize With Leather

Choose other leather accessories to wear with your leather jacket. Rather than a metal-band wristband, for instance, consider wearing a leather-band wristwatch. Women can also accessorize their outfit by wearing a leather handbag and leather necklace. It’s important to note, however, that your leather accessories should be the same color as your leather jacket. If your leather jacket is brown — the most common color in which leather jackets are made — you should wear leather accessories that are also brown. Following this unwritten fashion rule will help you can create a more cohesive and stylish outfit.

Leave It Open in the Summer

If you’re going to wear a leather jacket this summer, it’s recommended that you leave the front open rather than closed. Leaving your jacket open creates a more complete appearance by showing off your shirt or top — not to mention the fact that it’s cooler and more comfortable to wear it open in the summer months.

Let It Age

Leather jackets, like fine, get better with age. They’ll develop a naturally worn-in look that’s simply not achieved from new leather jackets. Because of this, you should allow your leather jacket to age. In other words, don’t worry about storing your leather jacket in the closet for months on end. You’ve purchased it, so you should wear it. The more you wear a leather jacket, the softer and more “aged” it becomes. Over time, your leather jacket will develop a worn-in appearance that’s unrivaled by new jackets.

Don’t Clash Your Colors

This unwritten fashion rule isn’t limited strictly to leather jackets; it applies to all coats, jackets and outerwear. When wearing a jacket, regardless of the material from which it’s made, make sure that the color doesn’t clash with your other garments. Being that most leather jackets are brown, some people make the mistake of wearing black garments with them. Why is this a problem? Well, brown and black don’t go with each other. They clash to create an unattractive appearance that hurts your overall appearance.  This is just one example of a clashing color combination. There are dozens if not hundreds of other color combinations that you shouldn’t wear together. So, make sure your leather jacket doesn’t clash with the colors of your other garments.

Maintain It

Finally, invest the necessary time and energy into maintaining your leather jacket. This generally means cleaning your conditioning your leather jacket on a regular basis. To clean it, simply blot the surface with a damp washcloth. If that’s not enough, add a small amount of liquid dish soap. There are also leather conditioning products like saddle soap that can protect your jacket from dryness.