How to Wear a Leather Blazer With a Suit

How to Wear a Leather Blazer With a Suit

A leather blazer is a stylish alternative to a traditional suit jacket. It features a similar shape and structure as traditional suit jackets. Leather blazers, of course, are made of genuine leather, whereas most other suit jackets are made of traditional textiles like cotton, linen or wool. Because they are made of leather, some men assume that leather jackets are a poor choice of outwear for a suit. You can still wear a leather blazer with a suit, however; you just need to follow a few basic rules.

Color-Coordinate With Trousers

Leather blazers are available in dozens of colors. Rather than just choosing just any color, you should stick with the same color as your trousers. If you’re wearing a suit with black trousers, for example, it’s recommended that you wear a black leather blazer. If you’re wearing a suit with brown trousers, on the other hand, you should wear a brown leather blazer.

By color-coordinating your leather blazer with your suit trousers, you’ll create a more attractive outfit. Suit etiquette states that your trousers and jacket should match. If they feature different colors, they’ll create an eclectic appearance that’s not particularly attractive. You can avoid this fashion faux pas by choosing a leather blazer in the same color as your suit trousers.

Go With Genuine Leather

You should choose a leather blazer that’s made of real, genuine leather. Some retailers sell blazers made of faux leather. From afar, these blazers may look like their genuine counterparts, but you’ll probably discover some major differences when inspecting them up close. Faux leather blazers have an artificial texture that’s rough and grainy, whereas genuine leather blazers have a natural texture that smoother and suppler.

Additionally, only genuine leather blazers have the distinct aroma that’s synonymous with real leather. You won’t find these qualities in a faux leather blazer. No matter what type of suit you are planning to wear it with, you should choose a leather blazer that’s made of genuine leather.

Single or Double Breasted

You’ll need to decide whether you want a single-breasted or double-breasted leather blazer. Either of these two styles can be worn with a suit. There’s no fashion rule requiring you to wear only a single-breasted or double-breasted leather blazer. With that said, single-breasted and double-breasted styles have a few noteworthy differences of which you should be aware.

The biggest difference between a single-breasted and double-breasted leather blazer is their buttons. Single-breasted leather blazers — like all single-breasted coats and jackets — have one column of buttons on the front. In comparison, double-breasted leather blazers have two columns of buttons on the front. Double-breasted leather blazers offer a more traditional style. Single-breasted leather blazers, on the other hand, offer a newer and more modern style.

So, which style should you choose for your suit? It’s really a personal preference that only you can make. Some men prefer single-breasted blazers, whereas others prefer double-breasted blazers. As long as you are comfortable wearing it, though, there’s no wrong choice.

Check the Sleeve Length

A common mistake men make when buying a leather blazer is overlooking the sleeve length. If the sleeves are the wrong length, though, the leather blazer won’t look right when worn. Regardless of the color or style, you need to choose a leather blazer in an appropriate sleeve length.

How long should the sleeves be exactly? Ultimately, the ideal sleeve length varies depending on your height. If you are tall, you’ll need a leather blazer with longer sleeves. You can often tell whether a leather blazer’s sleeves are the right length by trying it on. The sleeves should extend to your wrists when worn, which is a telltale sign that it fits right. If they extend past your wrists, the sleeves are too long. If they stop several inches shy of your wrists, the sleeves are too short. Of course, you can avoid this headache by ordering a custom-sized leather blazer from LeatherCult.

Consider the Season

You should consider the season when choosing a leather blazer to wear with a suit. In other words, for what season do you intend to wear it? Some men wear leather blazers during the spring and summer, whereas others wear them during the fall and winter. You can wear a leather blazer during any of the four seasons. Some leather blazers, however, offer a higher level of comfort during specific seasons than others.

For the spring and summer seasons, you may want to choose a lightweight leather blazer. There are lightweight leather blazers available that are cooler and more comfortable to wear during the warmer months of the year. For the fall and winter seasons, a quilted leather blazer will likely offer the highest level of comfort. Quilted leather blazers feature a patchwork design that acts as additional insulation. They’ll trap your body heat when worn, allowing you to stay warm and comfortable during the cooler months of the year.

Contrast With Shirt

When wearing a leather blazer with a suit, it’s important to choose the right shirt. All suits require the use of a button-up dress shirt. Rather than wearing just any button-up dress shirt, though, you should choose one that contrasts with your leather blazer.

If you’re wearing a black leather blazer with a pair of black suit trousers, avoid wearing a black button-up dress shirt. Instead, choose a dress shirt that contrasts with your leather blazer. A white dress shirt, for instance, will contrast with a black leather blazer. White and black are on opposite ends of the color wheel, so they naturally contrast with other.

Take Care of Your Leather Blazer

You should take care of your leather blazer, especially if you’re planning to wear it with a suit. A suit is a formal outfit. Therefore, you shouldn’t wear a dirty or wrinkled leather blazer with it. By properly maintaining your leather blazer, you can keep it clean and wrinkle free.