Are You Guilty of Making these Leather Jacket Mistakes?

Are You Guilty of Making these Leather Jacket Mistakes?

Whether you are a man, woman, young or old, there’s no denying the fact that leather jackets are highly stylish and equally versatile. They’ve been around for more than a century, so you can rest assured knowing they will withstand the hands of time. You can wear a leather jacket with casual attire like jeans a t-shirt, or you can wear it with formal attire like a pencil-stripe dress or suit. Because they can be worn in so many different ways, many people prefer leather jackets over other coats and forms of outerwear.

But if you plan on buying (and wearing) a leather jacket, you’ll want to avoid making the following mistakes. While you may already know some of these all-too-common mistakes, others may surprise you.

Choosing Faux Leather

Although it looks similar to real leather, fake (also known as faux) leather falls short of its genuine counterpart. It has a synthetic, chemical-like odor that can be nauseating. Genuine leather also has a distinct odor, although most people find it pleasant. In addition, faux leather is generally made with poor craftsmanship, making it more likely to break down and become damaged over time. After several months of wearing a faux leather jacket, you may discover worn areas where the fabric has literally rubbed away. Thankfully, such problems typically don’t occur in 100% genuine leather jackets. So if you’re looking for a new leather jacket, avoid faux and stick with the real deal.

Wearing a Leather Jacket in the Rain

Why shouldn’t you wear a leather jacket in the rain? We’ve talked about this before on our blog, but prolonged exposure to moisture can damage leather. Granted, a brief summer shower isn’t going to cause any lasting damage. But if your leather jacket remains soaked for a long period of time, it may develop permanent damage. You can easily prevent this from happening by not wearing leather in the rain. And if your leather jacket happens to get wet, dry it off in a timely manner. The sooner you dry off your leather jacket, the less the risk of permanent damage occurring.

Limiting Your Colors to Brown and Tan

When you think of colors in which leather jackets are made, what’s the first one that comes to mind? If you answered “brown,” you aren’t alone. Many people assume that leather jackets are only available in brown and tan colors. After all, these are the traditional colors in which leather jackets were made. But in recent years, many companies have been designing alternative colors, including black, red, yellow, green and just about any other color you can think of. So, don’t limit yourself to only wearing a brown or tan leather jacket. If you want to differentiate yourself from the crowd, try wearing a leather jacket in a different color. A red leather jacket, for instance, is a bold choice that’s sure to turn heads. When paired with the right garments and accessories, you’ll create a fashion-forward appearance — something that’s not available in traditional leather colors. Of course, you can still wear a brown or tan leather jacket. The bottom line, however, is that you should keep the doors of possibility open to all colors.

Are You Guilty of Making these Leather Jacket Mistakes? Leathercult

Wearing the Wrong Shoes

Don’t underestimate the importance of wearing the right shoes with a leather jacket. While most eyes will be focused on your jacket, your shoes will still play a key role in your overall appearance. This can be good or bad depending on which shoes you wear. A rule of thumb that seems to work well for most instances is to match your leather jacket with your shoes. When wearing a brown leather jacket, for instance, wear brown shoes. But if you plan on wearing a red leather jacket, stick with red shoes.

Overlooking Thickness

When choosing a leather jacket, pay close attention to its thickness. There are literally hundreds of different leather jackets available, some of which are thick while others are relatively thin. For warm weather, such as the summer and spring months, it’s usually best to wear a thin leather jacket, while thicker jackets are better suited for cold weather. Think about when and how you’ll be wearing your new leather jacket and choose the most appropriate thickness. Remember, you can always add additional layers if you are cold. So even if you choose a thin leather jacket, you can still wear a shirt and sweater underneath to keep warm during the otherwise chilly winter months.

It Doesn’t Fit

Always make sure a leather jacket fits your body correctly before buying and wearing it. If it’s too small, you have trouble bending and moving your arms. But if it’s too big, it creates the awkward “clothes hanger” effect in which the jacket appears to hang off your body like a clothes hanger. If you can’t seem to find the right size, consider ordering a leather jacket here at LeatherCult. You can specify your measurements during checkout, ensuring it fits just right. This takes the guessing game out of the shopping process, giving you peace of mind knowing that it will fit.

Choosing a Low-Quality Leather Jacket

Last but not least, don’t make the mistake of choosing a low-quality leather jacket. Even if it’s labeled as being made with “100% genuine leather,” it may still feature poor craftsmanship. And conventional wisdom should tell you that a low-quality leather jacket isn’t going to last as long as a high-quality leather jacket.

So, how do you know if a leather jacket is made of high-quality materials and craftsmanship? There are a few tell-tale signs, one of which is the manufacturer. In other words, who made the leather jacket? If you aren’t familiar with the brand, you may want to choose a different jacket. The good news is that you can easily find top-quality leather jackets by browsing through our selection here at LeatherCult. We carry one of the largest selections of genuine leather jackets, shirts, pants and other leather items, all of which are made using the finest quality and craftsmanship of leather.