Can You Wear Leather Shoes in The Rain?

Can You Wear Leather Shoes in The Rain?

It’s no secret that leather is one of the most popular and widely used materials for footwear. Whether it’s sneakers, boots, high-heels, loafers, “boat shoes,” or even sandals, you can probably find them in leather. Of course, there’s a good reason for this trend: leather exhibits certain characteristics that aren’t found in other materials, such as strength, durability, longevity and style. Other materials may attempt to mimic these characteristics, but nothing compares to genuine leather.

Leather Shoes and The Rain

But leather is also susceptible to the elements, including moisture. This would leave some people to question whether or not you can safely wear leather shoes in the rain without causing damage to them.  To answer this question, you CAN wear leather shoes when it’s raining outside, as long as you take some precautions to protect them.

Dry The Inside

Try to get into the habit of drying the inside of your leather shoes anytime they become wet. It’s not uncommon for moisture to seep into the interior of leather shoes when it’s raining outside. Even small amounts of leather — if left unchecked — may damage them, however. You don’t have to necessarily detail your shoes, as wiping the inside down with a clean paper towel should suffice.

Watch Where You Step

I know this probably sounds like common sense, but it’s still worth mentioning that you should watch where you step when wearing leather shoes. If it’s raining or has been raining, use caution to avoid stepping in puddles. Stepping foot-first into a puddle may saturate your leather shoes with water, making it difficult to dry them.

Polish Regularly

Another helpful tip to protect your leather shoes from rain is to polish them regularly.  Don’t just buy any cheap polish, but invest in a premium, name-brand polish that’s designed specifically for leather shoes, applying it roughly once a month.


Where do you typically store your leather shoes? If it’s outside by the front door, you may want to think twice. Even if your patio is covered and protected from the rain, moisture from the air will still land on your shoes, saturating them with water. Leather shoes should be stored in a cool, climate-controlled environment that’s not too dry but not too moist.