Did You Know? History of The Leather Jackets

Did You Know? History of The Leather Jackets

Nothing compares to the timeless style and exceptional comfort of a leather jacket. Whether you’re a man, woman, young or old, you can’t go wrong with a leather jacket. It’s soft yet durable texture combined with the appearance of subtle grain offers a truly unique style that’s not found in jackets made of other materials. But there’s a long history associated with leather jackets that most people are unaware of.

The truth is that no one knows when exactly the leather jacket was invented. People have used leather to create shirts, jackets and garments for centuries. With that said, historians believe some of the first examples of real modern-day leather jackets appeared in the early 1900s. During this era, aviation pilots and members of the military wore them, mostly for warmth and comfort.

The connection of jackets with military aircraft

You have to remember that aircraft cockpits and cabins back then were not climate controlled like they are today, so pilots and their crew relied on their clothes to stay warm. If you wore a t-shirt and shorts to fly in, not only would you be uncomfortable, but you could also experience hypothermia.

Fast forward to the 1940s when the Second World War was underway, leather jackets became increasingly popular among aircraft bombers. Known as “bomber jackets,” they were fitted with additional insulation for an exceptional level of warmth and comfort. Reports indicate that bomber jackets were an essential part of a pilot’s uniform, meaning they were required to wear them for safety purposes. When Russia experienced its Civil War, the Bolsheviks were similar leather jackets.

Of course, it wasn’t until the mid 20th century when the leather jacket made its way into mainstream culture. This phenomenon is due largely in part to Hollywood movie stars like Jimmy Stewart wearing them. This allows the general public to see leather jackets in all of their style and glory, and as you probably expected, sales of leather jackets soon soared.

In conclusion

Newer movies have also keep the trend of leather jackets alive. One such movie that comes to mind is Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, in which Harrison Ford wears a classic leather jacket. Thanks to Hollywood — as well as the numerous positive attributes of leather jackets — they remain a popular choice of fashion wear even after all of these years.

Do you own a leather jackets? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below!