Fashion Tips for Rainy Weather

Fashion Tips for Rainy Weather

Do you struggle to find the right clothes to wear when it’s raining outside? When it’s sunny and clear skies, you can wear pretty much whatever you want. Whether it’s a tea dress, jeans and shirt, etc., the possibilities are endless. But when mother nature throws you a curve ball by creating rain, you’ll have to a different approach to your choice of outfit.

Beware of the Material!

First and foremost, it’s important to note that some fabrics and materials are better equipped to handle rain than others. Polyester and other synthetic fabrics tend to work the best in rain, simply because they are water-resistant. Cotton, on the other hand, is naturally absorbent, meaning it will soak up the rain (note: wearing soaked clothes isn’t fun, so choose your garments wisely).  And there are some materials that will become damaged or even ruined when exposed to rain, such as silk. The bottom line is that you need to remain conscious of the fabrics you wear when it’s raining.


Raincoats offer more than just protection against bad weather. They also add a stylish new element to your outfit. Rather than wearing just an “ordinary” raincoat, though, consider wearing one that’s stylish and fashionable. The great thing about raincoats is that they are available in hundreds of different styles. So regardless of the look you are trying to achieve, chances are there’s a raincoat to match.


In addition to a raincoat, you should also consider sporting an umbrella. Aside from its functional uses (e.g. block the rain), an umbrella can also double as a fashion accessory, assuming you choose the right one. Stay away from generic, all-black umbrellas, and instead choose one with a fun print on it. A floral-print umbrella is an excellent choice that will bring new life to your outfit, or you can go with a plaid or striped umbrella. Just remember to think outside the box and don’t be afraid of trying something new.

Rain Boots

Last but not least, try wearing some fun-colored rain boots when the weather turns south. Most shoes and footwear aren’t designed to hold up under the stress of severe rain, meaning you could damage them just by wearing them. Rain boots, on the other hand, are made with thick, waterproof rubber.