How to Clean and Care for Leather Boots During the Winter

How to Clean and Care for Leather Boots During the Winter

Leather boots offer a certain level of style that’s not found in other types of footwear. Perhaps this is why is they are the “go to” choice among both men and women. But like all materials, even leather is susceptible to wear and tear, which is why it’s important for individuals to follow some steps to care for their leather boots during the winter.

The winter season is characterized with low humidity, bone-chilling temperatures, and sporadic weather patterns. This create a unique challenge for leather boots, simply because these elements may damage the material. So, what’s the best way to clean and care for leather boots during the winter?

Protect your shoes from drying out

First and foremost, it’s important to note that most regions will experience low humidity levels during the winter. As the temperatures drop, the air is unable to hold as much moisture, at which point the humidity drops as well. When storing your leather boots — or any leather garments or accessories — make sure the surrounding environment has a relative humidity level of 40-50%. This will prevent the leather from drying out while keeping it fresh and protected from damage.

Even if you store your leather boots in a climate-controlled area, you should still condition them on a regular basis. Saddle soap or similar conditioning products will add moisture to your leather, coating it with a protective layer that locks in its moisture. I recommend conditioning leather boots about once per month, rubbing the product into the surface until it’s no longer visible.

Try to be conscious of where you step when wearing leather boots. If you accidentally step in a deep puddle, it could soak the leather, which in turn may damage the material. Watch where you step and try to avoid puddles when possible. If you happen to step in one — and it’s bound to happen sooner or later — wipe your boots dry with a clean washcloth.

In conclusion

Also, if you notice a smudge on your leather boots, clean it in a timely manner. The easiest way to spot clean leather boots is to use a small amount of mild dish soap and warm water. Damp a washcloth with water and soap, and then rub the smudged area until it comes clean. This should make easy work of minor stains and smudges, leaving your leather boots clean afterwards.