Improve Your Skin Health With Mango Butter

Made from the pressed seeds of the delicious (and nutritious) mango fruit, mango butter is a powerful cosmetic product that can be used to improve your skin health. It possesses a wide range of vitamins, minerals and other beneficial nutrients, making it particularly effective when used on the skin. In fact, many lotions and skincare products even contain mango butter as a key ingredient, attesting to its beneficial effects. If you are still skeptical of the benefits of mango butter, keep reading to learn how it can improve your skin health.

Prevents Sunburn

Long before sunscreen lotion had been invented, people relied on natural creams such as mango butter to protect their skin from sun damage. Mango butter has unique properties that allow it to block out a portion of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. When the skin is exposed to UV sunlight over a prolonged length of time, it can lead to redness and blisters, while also increasing your risk of developing skin cancer. Thankfully, these problems are easily prevented by applying mango butter to your skin.

Melts on the Skin

Another reason why so many men and women use mango butter — or products containing mango butter — on their skin is because it melts on contact. You see, mango butter in its normal state remains semi-solid, assuming the surrounding environment is room temperature. When it’s the exposed to the skin, however, the butter begins to melt, allowing the skin to absorb it with greater ease. This means you’ll receive a greater concentration of the beneficial nutrients since they absorb directly into your skin.

Do you have fine lines or wrinkles? Sure, you do! The good news is that you can often eliminate minor lines and wrinkles by using mango butter. This all-natural butter will smooth out wrinkles, making them less noticeable. And because it penetrates deep into the skin, mango butter is able to reach the root cause of the wrinkles.

Lasts Long

Like all natural compounds, mango butter will spoil if left out for a prolonged length of time. However, it has a much longer shelf life than other organic compounds, with some experts saying it will last up to two years when properly stored. You can stretch out the shelf life of your mango oil by storing it in a cool, climate-controlled environment that’s away from direct sunlight.

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