Leather Cargo Shorts Style # 356

Leather Cargo Shorts Style # 356

It’s always tough to find something new to wear every now and then. It is tiring and stressful to get into the same style of clothing every day. You need to equip yourself with a killer set of clothes to look cool for every occasion. That’s exactly where the LeatherCult’s leather cargo shorts come in. This specific product has been labelled Leather Cargo Shorts Style #356. The shorts come stylish, trendy and sleek. It stays very well in season and doesn’t fail to provide the needed amount of chic. It exceeds your expectations to earn the ‘cool guy’ or ‘cool girl’ card on all fronts.

Available in fifty colors

With over 50 colours for taking, the cargo shorts never lack for variety. Quality of leather always is best at LeatherCult. It can go well with different types of shirts, tops and t-shirts. Your beach time, serene outdoors, beautiful gardens and many other settings would befit your leather shorts. The #356 product is custom made for the size and measurements you specify. The pockets and buttons look so fitting to the style of leather. The v cut at the sides makes you feel casual for the occasion. A grey top with our leather cargo shorts would look stylish like never before. The straps are there to accommodate a fancy belt to add more to the style factor.

You can have your name printed on the shorts on custom orders. The best part about that is it requires no charge to get your name printed on leather. The wide variety of colours encompass styles of classic, suede leather, wax leather, washed leather, and a wash and washed type. Most light colours charge the basic price. There are no extras or fills offered for the shorts other than a variety of colours.

In conclusion

The basic short cost as little as 75 USD.  Thick colours cost as little as 25 USD in excess. There are goat styles and python styles in leather colour. Waxed and suede colours look lovely and fit well from grand occasions too. Washed and waxed amazon leather colour looks exotic and cost 70 USD extra. You got the vintage red, genius green, snake emboss and literally all solid colours.

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