The Beginner’s Guide to Leather Suits

The Beginner’s Guide to Leather Suits

Suits have been around for centuries, with some of the earliest examples of “modern” suits appearing during the late 18th century. Since then, they’ve become synonymous with men’s formalwear. If you’re trying to create a formal outfit, there’s no substitution for a high-quality suit. Not all suits are the same, however. While most suits are, in fact, made of traditional fabrics like cotton or linen, others are made of more unique materials, including leather.

Leather may sound like an unconventional material for a suit, but it works surprisingly well. Leather suits are stylish, durable and comfortable. And since they are made of leather, they offer many advantages over traditional suits.

What Is a Leather Suit?

A leather suit is a type of two- or three-piece men’s formalwear that’s characterized by the use of leather in its construction. A two-piece suit, of course, includes a jacket and a pair of matching trousers, whereas a three-piece suit includes a jacket with both matching trousers and a matching waistcoat.

Whether it’s a two- or three-piece suit, men’s suits are often made of different materials. Cotton is a popular choice because of its low cost and soft texture. Linen is also frequently used in the construction of suits. It’s lightweight and breathable, making it an all-around great choice for the summer. There are also suits made of wool, corduroy, tweed and other common materials.

Leather suits feature the same general appearance as suits made of other materials. They are available in two- and three-piece styles, with leather suits featuring matching garments that flow cohesively together to create a uniform appearance. Leather suits are distinguished from other suits by their leather construction. They are made of traditional materials like cotton, linen, wool, corduroy or tweed. Instead, they are made of high-quality and genuine leather.

Benefits of Wearing a Leather Suit

Unless you’ve worn a leather suit before, you might be skeptical of their benefits. After all, there are plenty of other suits available for sale, many of which are stylish and comfortable, so why should you choose one that’s made of leather? Well, wearing a leather suit can offer a myriad of benefits.

With a leather suit, you’ll project a unique style that differs from traditional styles of men’s formalwear. Leather suits aren’t as common as other suits. As a result, you can set yourself apart from the crowd by wearing one.

There’s no denying the fact that leather suits are comfortable. Genuine leather has a soft texture that’s not found in other materials. Granted, there are other “comfortable” suits on the market, but they generally pale in comparison to the softness of a real leather suit. You can wear a leather suit for eight or more hours a day without fear of it causing discomfort.

You can easily accessorize a leather suit. There are certain accessories that can enhance the appearance of a suit — and many of them are available in leather. For example, you can wear a leather belt with a leather suit. A belt will create a better fit for your trousers, and if it’s made of leather, it will complement your entire suit. Other leather accessories to consider wearing with a leather suit include a necktie, pocket square and wristwatch.

Leather Suits vs Traditional Suits

There are still reasons to consider a traditional suit. Leather suits are bold, so they may or may not be appropriate for the workplace. If you’re planning to wear it to work, check your company’s dress code to see what the requirements are. Some companies require their employees to wear specific types of suits, in which case your only option may be a traditional suit.

For most other occasions, however, a leather suit is an excellent choice that’s difficult to wrong with. Leather suits are stylish, offer a unique appearance, and they are comfortable to wear for long periods at a time.

You may even find that leather suits are easier to care for than traditional suits. While you shouldn’t wash a leather suit in the washing machine, you’ll probably discover that it’s naturally protected against stains and blemishes. Leather suits repel stains better than traditional suits. Therefore, they don’t require frequent cleaning. You may be able to wear a leather suit for several days before it requires cleaning.

When your leather suit does develop a stain or blemish, you may be able to treat it by spot cleaning the affected area. Blotting the area of your leather suit with a damp washcloth and liquid soap should pull out the stain. After allowing your leather suit to dry, you can begin wearing it again.

How to Choose a Leather Suit

To take full advantage of a leather suit and everything it has to offer, you’ll need to choose the right one. For starters, look to see what type of leather the suit is made. Many people assume that all leather is the same, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There are roughly a half-dozen types of leather, each of which features unique characteristics.

Napa leather is recognized as the highest quality because of its super-fine grain, making it ideal for suits. Therefore, most premium leather suits are made of napa leather. Napa leather suits feature the same ultra-fine grain as all other napa leather garments and products.

You should choose a leather suit in the right color as well. Brown is a common color in which leather suits are made. It offers a timeless appearance, and since it’s a neutral color, brown is easy to incorporate into your outfits. Leather suits are available in many other colors, however. If you aren’t a fan of brown, maybe you should choose a black leather suit. Alternatively, you can go with a bold color like red or even yellow. Just remember to choose a leather suit in a color that you are comfortable and confident wearing it.