Things to Consider When Choosing a Leather Jacket

Things to Consider When Choosing a Leather Jacket

So you’re in the market for a new leather jacket? Whether you are a man, woman, young or old, there’s no denying the fact that leather jackets offer a timeless, classic style that’s unmatched in terms of appearance. People have been wearing them for centuries, and even today leather jackets remain one of the world’s most popular forms of outerwear. But with so many different types of leather jackets available for sale, how do you know which one to choose?


Contrary to what some people may believe, brown isn’t the only color in which leather jackets are made. Sure, it might be the most popular color, but there are dozens of other options available as well, including black, red, maroon, yellow, green, and even blue. I recommend choosing a color that matches your preferred everyday shoes. If you normally wear black shoes, for instance, choose a black leather jacket. If your wear brown shoes, choose a brown leather jacket — you get the idea.

Pockets or No Pockets?

Something else to consider when choosing a leather jacket is the pockets. You’ll find that some leather jackets are pocketless, whereas others have one, two, three pockets or more. Pocketless leather jackets offer a cleaner, more modern appearance, whereas their pocketed counterpart offers a more traditional look. If you plan on wearing your new jacket while riding a motorcycle, hiking or traveling, you may want to choose a pocketed style for the extra storage space. This is really a personal preference, though, so choose the style that YOU like best.

Quality of Leather

Not all leather is made the same, which is why it’s important for shoppers to pay close attention to quality when choosing a leather jacket. Some of the cheaper jackets are made with full or corrected-grain leather, leaving visible imperfections behind. A high-quality leather jacket should be made of top-grain leather instead, offering the highest level of style, durability and comfort possible.

You can rest assured knowing that all of the leather jackets and accessories sold here at LeatherCult are made using the finest, premium-grain leather.


We can’t talk about things to consider when choosing a leather jacket without mentioning the size. Ideally, a well-fitted leather jacket should allow your arms to pull through the sleeves without bunching up, nor should any of your wrists be visible. The length of leather jackets vary, so choose one that’s appropriate for your body type.