Ways to ‘Stiffen’ Leather

Ways to ‘Stiffen’ Leather

Does your leather feel too soft and supple? Most people have the opposite problem: their leather shoes, garments and accessories are too stiff, making them uncomfortable to wear. But there are times when you may come across a leather item that’s too soft. The good news is that you can often stiffen it by following some simple steps, which we’re going to discuss further in today’s blog post.

Dry It

One of the easiest ways to stiffen leather is to let it dry out. We’ve talked about this before on the LeatherCult blog, but it’s worth mentioning again that leather contains thousands upon thousands of small, microscopic pores that are constantly absorbing and releasing moisture. When leather becomes dry, the moisture within these pores is released; this, the leather becomes a bit stiffer and less supple.

I don’t recommend placing your leather items in an actual dryer, but you can leave it outside (under a covered area) for a day or so to help it dry out. The combination of sunlight and outdoor air should release its moisture, making it become a little more stiff in the process.


You may also be able to stiffen your leather by leaving it exposed to sunlight for a given period of time. How can this help? Well, the sun’s powerful ultraviolet rays will beam down on the leather, causing chemical reactions to occur while also speeding up the drying process.

Assuming you have access to a window, pull back the curtain, open the blinds and place your leather garment in front of it. Leave it here for a couple of days and by the time you return, it should feel noticeably stiffer. If it’s still too soft for your liking, leave it for a couple more days. The longer leather is exposed to sun, the stiffer it becomes.

Professional Services

Of course, there are plenty of other techniques available for stiffening leather as well. If you’ve tried the tips previously mentioned and still can’t get your leather to stiffen, try taking it to a professional leather repair company. They have both the tools and expertise necessary to perform the task.  You can expect to pay a premium for their services, but most people will agree that the end result is well worth the price, regardless of the type of work you are having done.