How to Rock a Maxi Skirt

How to Rock a Maxi Skirt

Fashion trends come and go from year to year, but maxi skirts remain a popular choice among women of all ages.  This versatile skirt is characterized by its long length, often reaching the ankles. I could you say a maxi skirt is on the opposite end of the fashion spectrum when compared to a mini skirt, which of course is shorter and usually stops above the knees. So, what’s the best way to wear a maxi skirt? Don’t Choose the Same Color Top When choosing a top to wear with your maxi skirt, make sure it has a different color than your skirt. If you are going to wear a red-colored maxi skirt, for instance, your shirt or top should not be red. Wearing two of the same color garments will create the appearance of a one-piece jumpsuit, which isn’t exactly flattering to say the least. Instead, try wearing a top that contrasts with your maxi skirt, which in the case of a red maxi skirt could be a white top. Wear Open-Toed Shoes Don’t underestimate the impact footwear has on your appearance. Some women assume footwear doesn’t matter since maxi skirts cover up almost all of their shoes.  While it’s true that maxi skirts will often hide a significant portion of your shoes, some of your footwear will remain visible, and it’s important to capitalize on this by wearing the right shoes. I recommend wearing open-toed shoes with a maxi skirt, simply because it adds a new dynamic to your outfit. Furthermore, the open-toed portion will generally remain visible, whereas the remaining portion of the shoes will be...
Can You Sew Leather?

Can You Sew Leather?

It you enjoy crafting and/or modifying your own garments and accessories, you might be wondering whether or not leather is a suitable material for sewing. Cotton, wool and other common fabrics are generally easy to sew. Using either a sewing machine or by hand, you can sew these fabrics with relative ease. But leather is thicker and rougher than cotton, adding a new dynamic to the otherwise simple process of sewing. So, does this mean leather is too thick to sew? Not necessarily, but it will take a different approach than sewing traditional fabrics and materials. Attempting to run genuine leather through a sewing machine just like any other fabric could damage either the leather or the sewing machine (or both). That’s why we’re going to provide some essential tips on how to sew leather. Choosing the Right Leather First and foremost, it’s important to note that certain types of leather are easier to sew than others. Ideally, you should choose the thinnest leather possible, as this will allow you to feed it through the sewing machine more easily.  The thicker the leather, the greater the resistance, which often leads to the sewing machine jamming or not creating stitches in the correct places. Plan Your Stitches and Seams Ahead of Time The golden rule of sewing leather is to plan all of your stitches and seams ahead of time. Leather is far too easy to damage if you aren’t careful with the placement of your stitches and/or seams. And to further complicate the problem, there’s no way to “undo” damage to leather. Use a Sharp Needle Check your needle...
5 Rules to Follow When Wearing Leather

5 Rules to Follow When Wearing Leather

Let me rephrase that: you shouldn’t pair leather with black if the leather is tan or brown-colored. Going back to the basics of style 101, black and brown are two colors that do NOT mix. Attempting to wear a traditional tan-colored leather jacket with a pair of black pants, for instance, will create a clashing, unflattering appearance that does you no justice. If you’re going to wear leather, make sure it flows cohesively with the rest of your outfit. Accessorize One of the perks of wearing leather is its ability to emphasize your accessories. In order to take advantage of this perk, however, you need to wear the right accessories. For instance, a leather jacket would naturally draw attention to a leather handbag. Assuming the two items have a similar style/color of leather, they will enhance your overall appearance to create a stunning and complete look. Of course, there are literally dozens of other accessories from which to choose, so don’t limit yourself to only using a leather handbag. Don’t Overdo It An all-too-common mistake that people make when wearing leather is overdoing it.  They may attempt to pile on too many layers and/or accessories in an effort to create an even greater level of complexion. In doing so, it takes away from the sole beauty of leather, hurting their efforts in the process. Leather is a truly stunning and unique fabric that’s perfect for garments and accessories, but you need to use caution to avoid overdoing it. Condition Your Leather When was the last time that you conditioned your leather garment? The truth is that most people rarely,...
Does Your Wardrobe Reflect Your Personal Style?

Does Your Wardrobe Reflect Your Personal Style?

If not, it should. As the saying goes, you only get once chance to make a first impression, holds true.  Whether you are going to an important job interview or just heading into town to run errands, you want to present yourself in the best manner possible. Even if you don’t speak to people whom you encounter, they will still instinctively judge you based on your appearance, which is why it’s important to wear the right clothes. What’s Your Style? You can’t expect to present yourself in the most appealing manner possible without first identifying your own personal style. Each and every person has their own style, so you should embrace yours by having it reflected in your wardrobe. Sure, it might be easier to throw together a pair of jeans and button-up t-shirt without paying attention to the details, but this won’t reflect your style. Ask yourself, what type of fashion style do you prefer? The great thing about fashion is that there’s really no wrong choice. As long as your style is unique, comfortable, and reflective of your personality, then it’s safe to wear. Be Unique As mentioned above, the key thing to remember when creating your wardrobe is be unique. If everyone wore the same thing without ever venturing into the unknown, we wouldn’t have fashion trends, and people would continue to wear the same uninspired clothes year after year. Thankfully, though, this isn’t the case, as most people prefer to wear unique outfits that stand out from the rest. Express Your Personality The clothes you wear should reflect your personality. I know this probably sounds...