Layering With a Leather Jacket: Creating Stylish Outfits

Layering With a Leather Jacket: Creating Stylish Outfits

A leather jacket is a timeless fashion staple that can enhance nearly any outfit. You can even layer a leather jacket. As you may know, layering is the process of wearing one or more garments over each other. You can wear a shirt or top under a leather jacket. If you’re going to create a layered outfit with a leather jacket, however, there are several things you should know. Traditional vs Cropped You can create a layered outfit with either a traditional leather jacket or a cropped leather jacket. Traditional leather jackets are full length, meaning they extend to the waist or past the waist when worn. Cropped leather jackets feature a shorter length. While available in different sizes, most cropped leather jackets stop several inches above the waist. With their shorter length, they’ll reveal more of your underlying shirt or top. Regardless, you can layer with a traditional leather jacket or a cropped leather jacket. Choose a Simple Base The base can make or break a layered outfit. All layered outfits have a base. Typically consisting of a shirt or top, it’s worn under your leather jacket. The secret to creating an attractive layered outfit with a leather jacket is to choose a simple base. Opt for a neutral-colored base, such as a plain white t-shirt, a black turtleneck or a neutral-toned blouse. With a simple base, you’ll have a clean canvas with which to layer your leather jacket. Leave the Front Open Don’t make the mistake of closing the front of your leather jacket. Regardless of the color or style, nearly all leather jackets have fasteners on...
9 Tips on How to Care for a White Leather Jacket

9 Tips on How to Care for a White Leather Jacket

Not all leather jackets are brown. While brown is one of the most popular colors in which they are made, you can find leather jackets in countless other colors, including white. White leather jackets offer a sleek and stylish appearance. They are available in the same types of real, high-quality leather as other leather jackets; they are simply dyed white during production. If you’re thinking about buying a white leather jacket, however, you should follow these 9 tips to properly care for it. #1) Store Out of Sunlight Sunlight can degrade most garments, including white leather jackets. It contains ultraviolet (UV) rays that contribute to fading. White leather jackets can fade. They are more susceptible to fading, in fact, than jackets in other colors. Over time, exposure to the UV rays of sunlight may cause your white leather jacket to fade to a darker, duller tone. You can still wear your white leather jacket outdoors during the midday hours, but you should avoid storing it in direct sunlight. Instead, choose a dark space in which to store your white leather jacket, such as a coat closet. #2) Clean Spills Immediately Spills are bound to happen when wearing a white leather jacket. Whether it’s a soda, coffee or any other liquid, you should clean it immediately. The longer a stain goes unaddressed, the harder it will be to remove. Stains are caused by spilled liquids. As the stain-causing liquid sits on your white leather jacket, it will begin to soak into your jacket’s pores. This can make the stain difficult to remove. By cleaning spills when or shortly after they...
10 Reasons to Choose the M-65 Leather Jacket

10 Reasons to Choose the M-65 Leather Jacket

Have you heard of the M-65 leather jacket? Originally introduced by the U.S. Army in the 1960s, it’s a classic choice of outerwear that’s perfect for men and women alike. Also known as the Field Jacket, the M-65 leather jacket is the successor to the M-1951 jacket. Soldiers in the U.S. Army initially wore the M-1943 jacket. In the 1950s, they began wearing the M-1951 jacket. The U.S. Army then introduced the M-65 field jacket in the 1960s to replace the M-1951 jacket. Here are 10 reasons to choose the M-65 leather jacket. #1) Plenty of Pockets The M-65 leather jacket features plenty of pockets. When designing the original M-65 leather jacket back in the 1960s, the U.S. Army acknowledged the need for pockets. M-65 leather jackets produced and sold today are available in the same pocket configurations. Most of them have at least four pockets, including two upper breast pockets and two bottom pockets. You can use these pockets to carry small items, or you can use them to keep your hands warm. #2) Exceptional Durability You don’t have to worry about the M-65 leather jacket succumbing to the hands of time. It’s designed with an emphasis on strength and durability. Even if you wear it on a daily basis, it won’t break down. Thanks to its exceptional durability, it will offer countless years of use. Its strong and durable properties will protect it from premature wear and tear, resulting in a longer lifespan than that of other, cheaper jackets. #3) Real Leather Construction Assuming you purchase the M-65 leather jacket here at LeatherCult, it will feature a...
7 Types of Leather Care Products

7 Types of Leather Care Products

Are you familiar with the different types of leather care products? Whether you own a leather jacket, trousers, shirt, vest or any other garment made of real leather, you’ll need to care for it. Real leather is a soft yet durable material. Like all materials, though, it can degrade over time when neglected. By properly caring for your leather garments, you can protect them from premature wear and tear. Here are seven common types of leather care products. #1) Leather Cleaners Leather cleaners are exactly what they sound like: products that are designed to clean real leather. They are available in a variety of forms, some of which include sprays, foaming agents, wiping pads and liquids. You can typically clean real leather using a damp washcloth and a small amount of gentle dish soap. Squeeze a few drops of dish soap onto a damp washcloth, after which you can blot the surface of your leather garment until it comes clean. But for stubborn stains and blemishes, you may need a little extra cleaning power, which is where a leather cleaner comes into play. You can use a leather cleaner to remove stubborn stains and revitalize the appearance of your leather garment. #2) Leather Polishes For a more lustrous appearance, you may want to use a leather polish on your leather garments. Leather polishes are products that restore the shine and luster of real leather. When exposed to sunlight for a prolonged period, real leather can develop a dull appearance. It will turn to a lighter tone, and it will lose some of its natural luster. A simple solution is...