10 Reasons to Choose a Leather Skirt

10 Reasons to Choose a Leather Skirt

Do you regularly wear skirts as part of your daily outfits? You aren’t alone. Millions of women include skirts in their daily outfits. Rather than choosing an ordinary skirt made of a traditional material like cotton or linen, though, you should consider choosing a leather skirt. Skirts are available in the same real leather material as leather jackets. Here are 10 undeniable reasons to choose a leather skirt. #1) Wrinkle Resistant Leather skirts are better protected against wrinkles than traditional skirts made of other materials. They feature a thicker, heavier construction than their traditional counterparts. These properties allow leather skirts to resist wrinkles. You can wear a leather skirt all day long without fear of it succumbing to wrinkles. Other skirts lack the wrinkle-resistant properties of leather skirts. #2) Unique Style For a unique style, look no further than a leather skirt. Leather skirts don’t look like ordinary, traditional skirts made of cotton or linen. Rather, they offer a unique style that’s synonymous with real leather. If you’re looking to stand out from the crowd, you may want to choose a leather skirt. With its unique style, it will help you create an eye-catching, one-of-a-kind appearance. #3) Comfortable There’s no denying the fact that leather skirts are comfortable. They are made of real leather, which is prized for its soft and supple texture. Other materials may feel somewhat rough or scratchy. Real leather, though, feels soft and smooth. Therefore, you can rest assured knowing that leather skirts are comfortable. They won’t irritate your skin, nor will they otherwise cause discomfort. Regardless of the type of leather skirt you choose,...
What Is Leather Painting and How Does It Work?

What Is Leather Painting and How Does It Work?

Have you heard of leather painting? When leather becomes severely faded, worn or otherwise damaged, painting may be used to restore it. Not to be confused with dyeing, it involves the application of pigment to the surface of the leather. Painting can restore leather back to its original color, or it can create an entirely different color for the leather. To learn more about leather painting and how it works, keep reading. Leather Painting Explained Leather painting is exactly what it sounds like it: the process of applying colored pigment to the surface of a leather garment. The pigment is the paint. If a leather garment is worn or otherwise damaged to the point where it no longer features its original color, it may be painted. Painting will improve the garment’s aesthetics by providing it with a fresh top layer of colored pigment. There are leather repair shops that offer painting services for many common types of leather garments, some of which include the following: Leather jacketsLeather vestsLeather trousersLeather shoesLeather boots Painting vs Dyeing Many people assume that painting is the same as dyeing. While both processes are designed to change the color of leather, though, they aren’t the same. The term “painting” specifically refers to the application of colored pigment to the surface of leather. The term “dyeing,” on the other hand, involves the application of colored pigment within the leather itself. There are two different types of dye used in the production of leather: aniline and semi-aniline. Aniline dye is completely soluble, meaning it dissolves in water. Semi-aniline is soluble as well, but it offers greater resistance...
Leather Spotlight: The Grunge Leather Jacket

Leather Spotlight: The Grunge Leather Jacket

When shopping for a new leather jacket, you may come across the Grunge Leather Jacket. It receives its namesake from its grunge-era style. The Grunge Leather Jacket is still made of leather, and it’s available in different colors and sizes. It stands out from all other leather jackets, however, by offering a unique vintage style that’s associated with the grunge era of the 1980s and 90s. What Is the Grunge Leather Jacket? Available for sale here at LeatherCult, the Grunge Leather Jacket is a premium leather jacket that’s reminiscent of those worn during the grunge era. The grunge era, of course, occurred during the 1980s and 90s. It was essentially a subculture that revolved around alternative rock. The grunge era can best be described as an evolution of the punk era. Long before the grunge era emerged, there was the punk era. The punk era paved the way for alternative rock and, thus, the grunge era. Each of these eras had its own unique style of clothing. The Grunge Leather Jacket is a premium leather jacket in a similar style as those worn during the grunge era. Suede Leather Construction The Grunge Leather Jacket is made of suede leather. If you rub your hand across the surface of it, you’ll notice that it feels fuzzy. Other types of leather jackets may have a solid and smooth texture, but the Grunge Leather Jacket has a fuzzy texture thanks to its use of suede leather. What is suede leather exactly? It’s a type of split leather that, like all real leather, is made of tanned animal hide. Suede leather is typically...
What Is Aniline Leather? Here’s What You Should Know

What Is Aniline Leather? Here’s What You Should Know

Have you heard of aniline leather? It’s used in the construction of countless products, some of which include jackets, purses, belts, wallets and even furniture. Like all leather, aniline leather consists of animal hide. It’s made by tanning and processing animal hide. But aniline leather is a specific type of leather that’s distinguished from all other types. Overview of Aniline Leather Aniline leather is a type of real leather that receives its color from a particular type of soluble dye. Known as an aniline dye, it dictates the color of aniline leather. All aniline leather is exposed to aniline dye during production. After soaking up the aniline dye, its color will change. Leather has a soft brown color by default. You can find leather, however, in other colors besides soft brown. Some of the alternative colors in which leather is made include black, red, white and even green. To achieve an alternative color, leather is dyed. Aniline leather is dyed using aniline dye. The Aniline Dyeing Process Different manufacturers use different dyeing aniline dyeing processes, but they all involve submerging real leather into a bath of water and aniline dye. Aniline dye is soluble. Soluble, of course, means that it dissolves in water. To produce aniline leather, manufacturers fill a container with water and aniline dye, after which they submerge the leather in this solution. Real leather is porous. If you examine it under a microscope, you’ll notice that it has many small and shallow holes on the surface. These holes allow real leather to absorb moisture, including aniline dye. It will soak up the aniline dye so that...
How to Wear a Leather Vest During the Winter

How to Wear a Leather Vest During the Winter

You don’t have to wait until the warm weather arrives to wear a leather vest. They may be sleeveless, but leather vests can be worn year-round. You can even wear a leather vest during the winter. Thanks to its leather construction, it will offer a unique appearance that takes your style to the next level. Choose the Right Type of Leather Vest If you’re going to wear it during the winter, you’ll need to choose the right type of leather vest. Avoid wearing vests made of faux or artificial leather. Instead, choose a vest made of 100% real leather, such as napa sheepskin leather. Vests made of real leather typically cost more than those made of faux or artificial leather, but most people will agree they are worth the higher price tag. Real leather is softer and suppler, making it more comfortable to wear. Garments made of real leather are also warmer than those made of faux or artificial leather. By choosing a vest made of real leather, you can rest assured knowing that it will keep your upper body warm. Here are some features to look for when choosing a leather vest to wear during the winter: Real leather constructionHigh-quality fasteners on the frontPocketsMade-to-measure sizingVersatile color that matches your outfits Wear a Long-Sleeve Undershirt You should consider wearing a long-sleeve undershirt with your leather vest. Leather vests, of course, are sleeveless. That’s essentially what distinguishes them from jackets. Vests and jackets are both classified as types of outerwear; the only real difference is that vests are sleeveless, whereas jackets have sleeves. Without sleeves, a leather vest may leave...